Panchsheel Inn by ShriGo Hotels is a great choice for travellers looking for a budget accomodation in Ajmer.
It is located in Panchsheel Nagar.This Hotel stands out as one of the highly recommended hotel in Ajmer and is recommended by 94% of our guests. Hotel is rated 4.1 out of 5, which is considered as very good.
The Property Some of the popular transit points from Panchsheel Inn by ShriGo Hotels are Ajmer Railway Station 5.3 kms and Kishangarh Airport 20.0 kms. The Hotel is in proximity to some popular tourist attractions and other places of interest in Ajmer. Some of the tourist attractions near Panchsheel Inn by ShriGo Hotels City Square Mall 1.4 kms, Cine Mall 3.8 kms, Patel Stadium 4.3 kms, Nasiyan Jain Temple 4.5 kms, Balaji Temple 6.8 kms, Savitri Temple 10.3 kms and Nareli Jain Temple 16.0 kms.
Some of the tourist attractions near Panchsheel Inn by ShriGo Hotels City Square Mall 1.4 kms, Cine Mall 3.8 kms, Patel Stadium 4.3 kms, Nasiyan Jain Temple 4.5 kms, Balaji Temple 6.8 kms, Savitri Temple 10.3 kms and Nareli Jain Temple 16.0 kms.
The Hotel is also certified as a Gostay hotel which comes with a money-back guarantee. Being a Gostay property, it ensures free wifi, AC, TV and good hygiene.
The Property is fitted with free wifi, AC, TV and good hygiene, Air Conditioning, Providing for 24 hour Room Service.
A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property.
Ajmer Railway Station 5.3 kms and Kishangarh Airport 20.0 kms From Panchsheel Inn by ShriGo Hotels.