1. The primary guest must be at least 18 years of age to be able to check into the hotel. There will be No refund if cancelled any time before check-in time as this proeprty does not allow cancellation of booking after the booking is made. Booking once made there will be no modification allowed for the check-in dat or check-in time. Also, There Will be No refund in case of no-show.
2. Early Check in or late check out is subject to availability at the hotel.
3. It is mandatory for guests to present valid photo identification at the time of check-in. According to government regulations, a valid Photo ID has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at the hotel. The identification proofs accepted are Aadhaar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, and Passport (Pan is not accepted as valid ID). Without Original copy of valid ID the guest will not be allowed to check-in.
4. Stay of child may be complementary as per properties terms and condition.
5. Breakfast charges may be applicable for the child.
6. Extra mattress may be provided for triple occupancy bookings. Subject to availability for specific property.
7. Pets are not allowed in the hotel premises. This may change subject to property terms and conditions.
8. Should any action by a guest be deemed inappropriate by the hotel, the hotel reserves the right to take action against the guest.
9. Certain destinations may have different policies for specific times during the year.
10. Guests shall be liable for any damage, except normal wear and tear to hotel asset. Guest shall keep the Hotel room in a good condition and maintain hygiene and cleanliness.
11. The guest is required to follow the hotel policies for No Smoking/No Alcohol Policies or dress code for pool or party.
12. Hotel reserves the right to cancel the booking in case of unforeseen circumstances.
13. In case of Pay at hotel booking, Hotel may contact customer to verify and reserves the right to cancel in case of no response from customer.
14. Certain policies are booking specific and are informed to the customer while making the booking. However, each hotel has its own set of specific regulations, it is advisable to check the hotel website or check with the reception for their policies.