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IROOMZ Hotel Shree Jagannath is conveniently located within a reachable distance of Chowmahalla Palace.
The nearest railway station and airport from IROOMZ Hotel Shree Jagannath are Nampally Station at 6 km and Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at 6 km respectively.
The property offers Room Types: Standard AC Rooms, and Deluxe AC Rooms.
Room Amenities: Complimentary toiletries, bed linen, a flat-screen TV, and air-conditioning.
Property Amenities: 24-hour reception, housekeeping, room services, laundry services, CCTV facilities, and parking space.
Nearby Attractions: Nehru Zoological Garden, Birla Science Museum, AP State Archaeological Museum, Lumbini Park, Snow World Amusement Park, and Chowmahalla Palace.